Since 2008 (Lausanne Switzerland) Slope Tectonics is the main topic conference dealing with the relationships between geological constrains and the triggering, evolution and problems associated to large landslides.
The conference has been successfully held in Vienna (Austria) in 2011, Trondheim (Norway) in 2014 and Kyoto (Japan) in 2017.

The 5th Slope Tectonics conference will be held in Milano, in collaboration with the Civil Protection of Regione Lombardia.
The conference includes a 2-day scientific session in Milano (September 28 and 29, 2020) and a 3-day field trip in the Italian Central Alps (September 30 – October 2, 2020).

Topics of the conference:

– Case studies and regional mapping of deep-seated landslides, rockslides, and associated rock- and debris-avalanches, topples and sagging processes
– Collection of data explaining slope failure and evolution, and supporting other activities
– Analysis of triggering factors for first time failures and sudden changes in style and state of activity
– Effects of climate changes on instability scenarios
– Analysis of the regional distribution of landslides
– Modeling for the prediction of deep seated landslides evolution
– Human activities that can trigger or favour failure and displacements and interaction between engineering structures and slopes
– Monitoring equipment, tools and strategies, definition of thresholds and Early Warning systems

Scientific committee:

Conference Chair:
Giovanni (Univ. of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)

Florian (RWTH Aachen Univ., Germany)
Ambrosi Christian (SUPSI, Switzerland)
Agliardi Federico (Univ. of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Baron Ivo  (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Blikra Lars Harald (NVE, Norway)
Brideau Marc-Andre (GNS Science, New Zealand)
Casagli Nicola (Università di Firenze, Italy)
Ceriani Massimo (Regione Lombardia, Italy)
Chigira Masahiro (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
Clague John J. (Simon Fraser Univ., Canada)
Coe Jeff (USGS, USA)
De Blasio Fabio (Univ. of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Esposito Carlo (La Sapienza Univ. Rome, Italy)

Frattini Paolo (Univ. of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Giardino Marco (Univ. di Torino, Italy)
Hermanns Reginald (NGU, Norway)
Huiming Tang (China Univ. of Geosciences, Wuhan, China)

Jaboyedoff Michel (Univ. of Lausanne, Switzerland)
Kamai Toshitaka (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
Lebourg Thomas (GeoAzur, France)
Lin Ching-Weei (NCKU, Taiwan)
Loew Simon (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Massey Chris (GNS Science, New Zealand)
Ostermann Marc (GBA, Austria)
Papini Monica (Politecnico Milano, Italy)
Saroli Michele (Univ. di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, Italy)
Toshihiko Shimamoto (SKLED, China)
Stead Doug (Simon Fraser Univ., Canada)
Stewart Tom (BCHydro, Canada)
Wang Gonghui (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
Wei Hu (Chengdu Univ. of Technology, China)
Zanchi Andrea (Univ. of Milano–Bicocca, Italy)
Zangerl Christian (BOKU Wien Austria)

Organizing committee:

Nadia Padovan (Regione Lombardia)
Angelo Crippa (Regione Lombardia)
Davide Bertolo (Regione Valle D’Aosta)
Paolo Campedel (Prov. Aut. Trento)
Stefano Basiricò (UNIMIB)
Nicoletta Fusi (UNIMIB)
Camilla Lanfranconi (UNIMIB)
Margherita Spreafico (UNIMIB)
Andrea Valagussa (UNIMIB)
Elena Valbuzzi (UNIMIB)
Alberto Villa (UNIMIB)

Conference venue:

The Conference venue will be the Auditorium Testori in the modern building of Regione Lombardia, close to the Central Railway Station of Milano.